What if my school doesn’t have a Math or Science Olympiad? What should I do instead?
- Tasnuva, a 9th grader in New York
Hey Tasnuva, I’m assuming you want to join Science Olympiad or Math Olympiad because you’re interested in deepening your knowledge in math and science outside of class. You might even already have a college STEM major picked out and you want to show colleges you’re extracurricularly involved in STEM. Or you might just want to make sure you even like math and science to study it for four or more years in college. All great reasons to seek out Science or Math Olympiad.
The fact that your school doesn’t have Science or Math Olympiad is not necessarily a bad thing. I see it as an opportunity be involved in two other ways.
1. Start your own Science or Math Olympiad. In high school, just like you, I was bummed that my school didn’t have an Academic Decathlon! I loved the idea of mastering academic subjects and competing in them with my peers! I contacted a district director for the Academic Decathlon program and met with her to start my own chapter at my high school.