When do colleges start reviewing early admission applications?

By Maxine Seya

When do college admission officers start reviewing early admission applications?

– Stephanie

When SocratesPost reaches out to admissions officers at various schools for interviews, we often get responses like “I’m slammed. Early apps are coming in!” or “Can you wait until after ED season?”

Given how many applications admissions officers have to go through and how little time they have before making a decision, they have to start reviewing ED or EA apps as soon as they’re submitted.

Most schools accept EA or ED apps around Nov. 1 and make decisions by mid-December. That’s only 5-6 weeks to review applications, make recommendations, wait for interview reports to factor in,

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Maxine Seya
Maxine Seya is a former investigative journalist, college consultant, and admissions interviewer. She studied at Peking University (Beijing, China) and Université Paul-Valéry (Montpellier, France) and investigated for CNN and Huffington Post before graduating from Northwestern University. She founded SocratesPost to share the human stories behind the admission gates and offer parents clarity as they help their teens with college.