What is SocratesPost?
What makes SocratesPost different?
How does SocratesPost help me in college admissions?
Who is SocratesPost for?
Is SocratesPost a college consulting or counseling company?
Why do I have to pay for a subscription?
What’s the difference between a subscriber and a reader?
Why is this called SocratesPost?
SocratesPost channels his spirit of interrogating popular opinions and revealing what truly matters for each individual. We question those working in admissions to shine light on the issues that confuse students and parents the most.
We hope you do the same by continually asking yourself “what really matters to me?”, rather than seeking formulas and following the crowd to success.
Let’s coin our own definitions of success.
Will I get weekly email notifications?
No. In 2022, we paused the weekly email notifications to readers and subscribers as a response to subscriber preferences. We have since transitioned to a library system where all subscribers and readers can read articles by visiting the website directly rather than accessing a link via email.
We continue to be open minded to subscriber preferences, but in the meantime, this seems to work best.