What happens in a Duke admissions interview?

By Maxine Seya

“What happens in a Duke admissions interview?”

– anonymous reader

Ruturaj interviews applicants for admission into Fuqua, the business school at Duke. He laid out all the details of what happens, what he looks for, and what turns him off during these alumni interviews.

Beyond the typical “tell me about yourself?” and other similarly expected questions, I found these insights super helpful for anyone prepping for an interview whether at Fuqua specifically, Duke in general, or any other selective college.

4 Things a Duke Admissions Interviewer Looks For

  • He wants to know how much you know about the school.

“I also would ask them questions about how much they actually knew about the school; not just us in the program, but how much they knew about Duke. It’s always interesting to see how much people research about schools.”

  • He wants a surprising answer to “What’s something interesting about you that isn’t on your resume?”

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Maxine Seya
Maxine Seya is a former investigative journalist, college consultant, and admissions interviewer. She studied at Peking University (Beijing, China) and Université Paul-Valéry (Montpellier, France) and investigated for CNN and Huffington Post before graduating from Northwestern University. She founded SocratesPost to share the human stories behind the admission gates and offer parents clarity as they help their teens with college.