June 17, 2021 — Dartmouth
The Hanover, N.H. private school is offering up to 200 students on the on-campus housing waitlist a chance to win $5,000. The catch? Remove oneself from the waitlist and live off-campus. Students are upset that the university didn’t try harder to house them on campus.
What does this mean? $5,000 is probably not enough to compensate for the lost traditional, on-campus college experience. However, local real estate investors providing private student housing can now enter and shine.
June 18, 2021 — University of Michigan
University of Michigan guarantees free tuition to families making under $65,000. The aid applies to the Ann Arbor, Flint, and Dearborn campuses. Students are expected to have a 3.5 GPA from high school.
What does this mean? Lower income families have more college options than ever before, but middle income families are still stuck.
June 11, 2021 — Jackson College
The Jackson, Mich. college increased tuition by 2.8% for in-district students, but decreased it by 22.5% for out-of-district students. With this change, one credit hour will cost $168 for in-district students and $190 for out-of-district students.
What does this mean? Most schools charge out-of-district or out-of-state students significantly more than their in-district or in-state counterparts, but when enrollment is plummeting, colleges need to offer attractive rates to more potential customers.