The effect of UChicago dropping test scores from admission

SocratesPost is always on the frontlines scouring the news for relevant updates in the college admissions landscape. We look for anything that can help shape our understanding of the latest trends in admissions and help our readers see the direction in which we’re moving.

Questions we explored this week:

  • Filling out the complicated FAFSA form might lead to college financial aid, but a lot of families still don’t submit it. Here’s one state that’s now requiring all students submit a FAFSA.
  • Here’s what happened to UChicago as a result of eliminating standardized test scores.
  • This top college is eliminating student loans for incoming students with family incomes under this amount. What college is it and what’s the income cap?

July 10, 2019 — Texas.
The second state after Louisiana to require all students to fill out FAFSAs, Texas wants to increase the number of students getting financial aid. More financial aid usually mea...

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