A college charges higher tuition despite Covid

SocratesPost is always on the frontlines scouring the news for relevant updates in the college admissions landscape. We look for anything that can help shape our understanding of the latest trends in admissions and help our readers see the direction in which we’re moving.

Questions we explored this week:

  • This elite school's tuition will increase nearly 4% next year, even if it goes virtual. Which one?
  • No more roomies: Which college is pledging private rooms to all residential students?
  • 30% of private colleges may be bankrupt in six years... What's the research behind it?

May 15, 2020 — University of Southern California (USC)
For the 2020-2021 school year, tuition will be increasing by $2,004, amounting to $59,260 per year. This 3.5% increase is set to happen regardles...

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