At last, this school drops SAT subject tests

SocratesPost is always on the frontlines scouring the news for relevant updates in the college admissions landscape. We look for anything that can help shape our understanding of the latest trends in admissions and help our readers see the direction in which we’re moving.

Questions we explored this week:

  • Ka-ching! This elite university in California just made $1.1 billion. Which one and how?
  • I know where you are...Another top university is tracking their students' locations. Which one?
  • Here's yet another elite college that dropped SAT subject test requirements. Where?

January 30, 2020 — Caltech won a lawsuit
Apple and Broadcom were ordered by law to pay Caltech a total of $1.1 billion in damages or patent infringement. Four patents related to wireless data transmis...

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